Posted: May 7, 2021
Spotted Lanternfly eggs are expected to begin hatching within a few weeks. That means there is still time to destroy any egg masses you can find.
An early spring means warmth, flowers, and eminent hatching of thousands of spotted lanternfly (SLF) egg masses. Most likely the hatch will begin in southern Pennsylvania in mid- to late-April and lag by a week or so in more northern counties. There is still time to destroy SLF egg masses before the hatch. If you find any that you can safely reach, use a scraper card or tool to scrape them into a baggie containing alcohol or hand-sanitizer. Seal the bag to ensure that they are killed, and deposit in the trash. Easier still, use a rock, a stick, or a hand tool to smash the eggs in place. It's a bit like popping tiny bubble wrap! Do not simply scrape the eggs loose and drop them, as some will survive. The next step is to prepare for the hatchlings. Watch the video to learn how to make a simple tree band trap that can kill hundreds of SLF instars and adults.