Posted: August 3, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Monroe County are happy to share the progress of Project NatureScape located at the PSE Demonstration Garden located at the Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville, PA. Project NatureScape is a ongoing reformation project to create an all inclusive habitat for plants, insects and small animals that a homeowner can duplicate in their own landscapes.

Photo by Amy Girardi

Photo by Amy Girardi

Herbs are wonderful plants to include in the garden. Besides providing color, texture and flowers, they are a widespread group of plants with savory or aromatic properties used for flavoring food, and for fragrances. While many popular culinary herbs are not native to North America, some are closely related to native plants and may be used to provide habitat for native insects. For example, nonnative herbs such as basil and oregano can function as host plants for the native Hermit Sphinx moth because like its preferred host plants bee balm and ajuga, basil and oregano are members of the mint family.

But of course, herbs are eaten by people too. And, as Master Gardeners continue their work at Project NatureScape (PNS), culinary herbs are routinely harvested, cleaned and dried and will be donated to a local food bank.