December 18, 2024
Native plants have many ecological benefits but some of them have poisonous properties. You may not want to invite these native plants into your yard.
September 5, 2024
Ornamental olive trees, once frequently sought-after landscape plants, are now on Pennsylvania's invasive plant list.
June 24, 2024
Create a healthy garden teaming with pollinators and other beneficial insects by adding, changing, or removing a few tasks in the gardening process through the seasons.
May 6, 2024
View the full report of Penn State Extension Master Gardener county, state, and even national accomplishments!
January 16, 2024
What should the gardener make of houseplant products that abound, especially on websites and in catalogs? This article recommends which accessories are necessary for indoor plant care and which are not.
January 31, 2023
One of the most recognized and attractive symbols announcing the winter holiday season is the poinsettia. With millions sold each year, poinsettias are one of the best-selling potted plants in the United States. They are frequently used for decorating during the winter holidays and can be enjoyed as green plants throughout the year.
December 9, 2021
When it comes to determining the birth month flower for December, there is almost a three-way tie for the winner. Depending on location and other factors, the paperwhite narcissus, the poinsettia, and the holly are all contenders.
November 23, 2021
Chrysanthemum, or "mum" for short is the birth month flower for November. Chrysanthemum is often the first flower to come to mind when thinking about crisp fall days and the Thanksgiving holiday. It can be found in many fall decorative displays.
October 19, 2021
With vibrant golden blooms that complement the color of autumn leaves, it’s no wonder that the marigold is the birth month flower for October. With an almost neon-like color, marigolds help brighten a cloudy fall day.
September 8, 2021
One of the most colorful flowers of fall is also September’s birth flower. It is the aster, sometimes referred to as the starwort or frost flower. Belonging to the daisy family, aster is a perennial with over 600 species. Formerly wildflowers, asters are seen in many colors ranging from white to orange but commonly have pink, white, red, mauve, or lilac blooms. In northeast Pennsylvania, our best-known aster displays a striking bluish-purple color.
August 6, 2021
One of summer’s most colorful flowers is also the birth month flower of August. It is the gladiolus. This classical summer-bloomer is unique in that its flowers grow from a tall spike, lined with pointed sword-shaped medium-green leaves.
July 21, 2021
The language of flowers is a fascinating study because of the many meanings folklore and tradition have given flowers throughout history. There are flowers designated for each month of the year as one’s birth month flower. July’s birth flower is larkspur.
June 7, 2021
The flower that most represents the beauty of summer is also the birth flower for the month when summer begins. It is the rose, a very popular flower for giving, getting, or growing. It is no wonder, since roses come in a variety of colors and have a pleasing, sweet scent. There are roses for many tastes—from ground covers and climbing types to shrubs and the very popular long-stemmed varieties. It naturally follows that the folklore and symbolism associated with the rose throughout history have meanings almost too numerous to count!
May 5, 2021
After a cold and dreary winter, spring emerges and brings us an atmosphere of beautiful colors, melodic sounds, and sweet scents. One of the most fragrant of these scents belongs to May’s Birth Flower, Lily of the Valley.
April 2, 2021
One of the most common and cheery flowers that pops up in spring, the English daisy or common daisy is also the birth month flower for April. There is something refreshing about bright white petals surrounding the sunny yellow center of the English daisy, which announces that spring is finally here.
January 18, 2021
Just as each month of the year is associated with a particular birthstone, each month also has a flower representing a different meaning or characteristic.