Posted: February 28, 2025
Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Clinton County will offer a six-week adult gardening course on Monday evenings from March 17 through April 21, 2025, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Mary Ann Bower Learning Center, 47 Cooperation Lane, Mill Hall, PA 17751. Participants will meet weekly to learn the basics of vegetable gardening and carry out hands-on activities.
Seed to Supper is an extensive beginning gardening program that provides adult and novice gardeners with the tools and skills to grow a portion of their food. Participants will learn about healthy soils, garden planning, types of vegetables, seeds and transplants, caring for their gardens, and harvesting their bounty.
Ginny Counsil, Coordinator, states, "Growing a portion of your food helps reduce your food bill and promotes healthy eating habits. People want to know where their food comes from. When you have your own gardens, you can be assured that the vegetables are grown to your specifications. They are always fresh and delicious. It's fun to learn new things, and growing your vegetables gives people a sense of pride and accomplishment. The vegetables harvested from your gardens taste so much better."
The Seed to Supper curriculum originated with the Oregon Food Bank and Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener Program. The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners have adapted the coursebook to reflect Pennsylvanian gardening conditions. Penn State Extension Master Gardener is a not-for-profit program.
This course is for adults with little to no knowledge or experience with vegetable gardening. The course costs $25.00 and includes a free workbook and materials for hands-on activities. The course is free to low-income individuals and veterans.
You must register for the course. To register, please contact Ginny Counsil, Master Gardener Coordinator, at or call 570-858-0192. Applications are also available at the Penn State office located at 47 Cooperation Lane, Mill Hall, PA 17751.