Posted: April 11, 2022
Microclimates are smaller areas with features that cause local conditions to deviate from the average.
When I moved to Adams County and began a new gardening adventure, there was some information I wanted to know about what growing conditions to expect. There are several things that one can readily find out by searching the internet.
Our USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for instance, can be found online. We are zone 6b, and the lowest temperatures we can expect are between -5o to 0oF. The National Weather Service tells me that April 11 is the median date of the last spring freeze (minimum temperature, 32oF or lower), and that November 1 is the median date of the first fall freeze. Using U.S. Climate Data, I found out that Gettysburg's average annual precipitation is 43.1 inches per year, with the months of highest rain being May and June, and August and September.
This helps a gardener understand what to expect, but it's human nature to push the limits. Some gardeners, myself included, don't want to be constrained. We want to plant sensitive plants a few weeks earlier than recommended and try to keep them producing a week or two -- or longer -- after the first frost. We push the season with cold frames, row covers, and maybe even a small backyard greenhouse. But there is another trick that the season-pushing gardener can utilize -- microclimates!
All that information I listed above is climate data, the general conditions over a fairly large area. Microclimates are smaller areas with features that cause local conditions to deviate from the average. Consider how the temperatures in downtown Gettysburg are higher than the temperatures just a few miles outside of town. Gettysburg's buildings, paved surfaces, and lack of trees hold heat, making the town warmer. A gardener in town has a growing season that is a few days longer than if she were gardening even five miles away.
But we can find microclimates that are more localized, even within one's backyard, in or out of town. Being a gardening nerd, I keep track of temperature with two thermometers: one in the shady front yard and one in the sunny back yard. There is a considerable difference between the two, depending on amount of sun on a particular day, how dry it is, the direction of the wind, and several other factors. I'll bet if you spend time really looking and sensing your yard's environment, you'll find there is more than one microclimate in your yard, too.
Most gardeners already know about the warmth of the side of a building or a rock wall. Whether it's the buildings in town or your yard, stonework, and masonry store heat. If you're impatient to get your tomatoes earlier or you want to grow plants adapted to a southern climate, you put your botanical treasures along a rock wall or the side of the house, a warm spot. But we also know that warm soil dries out much faster, so your special plants should be placed in soil with a lot of organic matter and mulched to hold moisture, and watered regularly in hot and/or dry weather. Shade cloth adds protection on hot, sunny days, too.
Moving air is a condition that is tough on plants. During the winter many sensitive plants suffer more from desiccation than cold, and your prized specimens need some sort of shelter from the winter winds. But even in the summer a windbreak retains humidity, helping plants hold valuable moisture and keeping the ground from drying out.
Check the location of shade through the gardening seasons. The sun is not in the same place now that it will be in June and shadows change position through the year, too. This year the Summer Solstice is on June 21, and from our position on earth in Adams County, PA, that's the day the sun will rise and set in its most northerly position and will be as high in the sky as it reaches at our latitude. From now until the summer solstice, shadows move and get shorter until June 21, when they are the shortest. Then the sun starts moving lower in the sky and towards its southernmost extreme on the Winter Solstice.
What this means to a gardener depends on what is being grown. The gardener needs to know where to put plants that need full sun, part shade or shade. The position of the shade and how long a spot is shady varies through the year because of this apparent movement of the sun. On April 8 the sun will be in the same position as on September 3, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. Of course, there is less shade under trees in April, since they haven't leafed out yet. Keep that in mind as you evaluate your yard.
One of my tricks is using tall plants to create a microclimate for shorter, shade tolerant ones. To keep short, leafy plants cooler on hot days of summer, I put them in the shade of taller plants. Lettuce planted between tomatoes is a useful paring, along with short, shade-tolerant plants beneath trellised green beans. Vining squash grow well within the cover of a block of corn, where it shades the ground and holds moisture.
Consider areas of your yard that are prone to frost, too. Cold air collects in low areas and can have a light frost when areas uphill are frost free. Tall plants help protect short neighbors in this situation, too. Since low areas are slow to warm in the spring and will be the first to be affected by frost, it may not be wise to put vegetables with a long maturation time in this area.
Spending time getting to know all your yard's environmental quirks can reveal gardening situations that make your specimens thrive or languish. You can make your trip to the garden center armed with information to make great choices. You can also know, within your yard's limits, what you can do to make a particular choice work.
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Master Gardener Hotline is open April through September, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am - 2pm. Master Gardeners can take your samples on Mondays and Fridays. Please send an email (with pictures if possible) to with your gardening questions, or stop by Penn State Extension, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Gettysburg.
Debby Luquette is a Penn State Master Gardener from Adams County. The Penn State Cooperative Extension of Adams County is located at 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Suite 204, Gettysburg, phone 334-6271.